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Otsikko : [Vt] Itämeren vapaa-ajankalastajien...
Kirjoittaja : truut Päivämäärä : 13/12/2018 22:14:36 Lukukerrat : 4883
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Lukeminen on taitolaji. ICES WGBAST raportissa on esitetty myös vuoden 2017 saalisarvioksi 300-1600 lohta ja mainitaan yleisen vapaa-ajankalastusseurannan olevan soveltumaton vetouistelun lohisaaliiden seurantaan.

'In Finland angling from land or trolling are two of the main recreational salmon fisheries. The river catches in Tornionjoki and Simojoki are estimated by annual surveys,
and in other salmon rivers by interviews and voluntary riverside catch statistics. In 2017, all river catches were recreational. In the Gulf of Bothnia catches were mainly
from River Tornionjoki, whereas in the Gulf of Finland all catches were from River Kymijoki. Finnish coastal (or at sea) recreational catches are estimated as follows:
• An official catch estimate is based on the National Survey carried out every second year. The last survey covers year 2016 and was conducted in 2017. Note that in this national survey, salmon (and sea trout) catch estimates are
highly uncertain because these fishers are so rare in the total population (e.g. only 17 respondents had been trolling for salmon). For the missing odd years, the same sea catch estimates are assumed as in the preceding year. In
2017, the salmon catch estimate for the whole Finnish sea area was about 11 500 (+/-7000) salmon, out of which about 90% was taken by trolling.
• In 2017, the Finnish Federation for Recreational Fishing conducted a questionnaire among salmon trolling skippers (92 replies were received). The skippers are considered to represent the active part of all trolling fishers. An
expert estimate of the total number of active trolling boats in Finland is 300–400. In addition, about the same amount of less active boats exist that only go to sea 1–2 days per year (maybe not trolling). The responding skippers fished on average eight days in 2017 (range: 0–25 days) and the average
catch was 0.2 salmon per fishing day in the Gulf of Finland and 0.4 salmon per fishing day at the Åland Islands and in Gulf of Bothnia. Extrapolation of these parameters to the estimated whole fleet suggests a total catch of about
300–1600 salmon in 2017.

In summary, the trolling catch estimate of Finnish national survey and the other questionnaire provide catch estimates of complete different magnitudes. Therefore, the current
estimates of Finnish recreational salmon sea catches should be taken with caution. For example, a potential error in the National survey may occur if respondents have announced the annual catch of the whole crew and not only their own share.'

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